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Industry-leading publications serving physicians, patients, health care administrators, and business executives.

We provide industry-leading publications and forums that serve physicians, hospital and clinic administrators, health care business executives, and health care consumers.

We are an independent organization, not affiliated with a county, state, or specialty society or association, third-party payer, or pharmaceutical manufacturer. We provide non-biased platforms to share information between industry stakeholder groups and present issues from a physician/patient advocacy perspective.

We also maintain the Minnesota Health Care Consumer Association, a free online community dedicated to sharing information about health care-related business topics and serving as a tool for measuring public opinion about health care-related issues.

We provide unbiased platforms for communication between health care delivery system stakeholders.


Our journals serve physicians, clinic and hospital administrators, health care business executives, and health care consumers. We provide unbiased platforms for communication between health care delivery system stakeholders.

Our publications maintain the highest standards of journalistic integrity. They are designed as outreach/educational forums and reliable advertising vehicles for contacting difficult-to-reach professional audiences. Articles are written by physicians and industry experts to promote increased awareness of emerging and complex industry trends. We are dedicated to providing our readers and advertisers with useful and outstanding publications. We welcome your story ideas, advertising inquiries, and comments.

We can place your message in front of your buyers, and the people who influence your buyers.


If you have a product or service that is utilized in any context of health care delivery, we provide unique and cost-effective opportunities to help fulfill your marketing and branding objectives.

We can place your message in front of your buyers, and the people who influence your buyers. If your work supports the daily operation of a hospital or clinic, in any capacity, we provide advertising solutions that offer outstanding potential return on investment. If your work supports patients that must be referred by physicians, we offer similar benefits. We also give you access to a difficult-to-reach market if your services or products target high income earners with advanced education and discriminating taste. We also reach clinic and hospital administrators and health system executives.

Finally, if your products or services are utilized through direct-to-consumer marketing, we give you unparalleled access to highly motivated and engaged patients. To learn more about these specific opportunities, please click the button below.

The Minnesota Health Care Roundtable is a semi-annual conference that examines topics affecting the evolution of health care policy.


The Minnesota Health Care Roundtable is a semi-annual conference that examines topics affecting the evolution of health care policy. Hosted by Minnesota Physician Publishing, we assemble a panel of between six and eight different stakeholder group perspectives and present a moderated discussion in front of a live audience. Through a three-phase curriculum development process, panelists are involved with co-creating the conference themes. The events generate a nine-page report, published in Minnesota Physician and posted online.

Seeking exceptional designed health facilities in Minnesota


Health Care Reimbursement Transparency: Inside the black box


Get it every month, anywhere you want. Minnesota Physician.


Get it every other Monday, Minnesota Health Care News.

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